dancing with a glow

This dance solo was performed at The Kitchen a few months ago, and I’m quite sad to have missed it. Glow is a performance piece that combines interactive video technology and contemporary dance. An infrared camera follows a dancer on the floor and sends real time signals to a computer. The computer runs algorithms which generate digital landscapes that envelope the dancer’s body. The result is a powerful optical illusion of space and confinement. And as viewers, we’re able to trace the profound tension between body and space.

Better video can be seen here.

posture child

My dear mother–a lady to the core, herself a daughter of another genuine lady–has always wanted me to stand and sit upright (a must for any lady in the making). I’m sad to report that her lady-making business with me is still a work in progress…However, there’s hope with this interactive underwear, Ergoskin, designed by Talia Elena Radford Cryns. Whenever the wearer slouches (as I am right at this moment), tiny sensors which are woven into the fabric send ergonomic signals to the skin to move the body into ideal posture. The concept received Austria’s National Design Award in the student work category. Until Ergoskin is actually produced, I’m gonna have to rely on one of these.